Partonomy list P4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

superior cerebral veins (pair)

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Home page TAH partonomy
Top level cardiovascular system Short Extended
Level 2 cerebrospinal venous system Short Extended
Level 3 superficial cerebral veins (pair) Short Extended
Current level superior cerebral veins (pair)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
50978 4590 tax
superior cerebral veins (pair)
venae cerebri superiores (par)
8987 tax
orbitofrontal veins (pair)
venae orbitofrontales (par)
8988 tax
frontopolar vein (pair)
vena frontopolaris (par)
51102 4592 tax
frontal veins (pair)
venae frontales (par)
8989 tax
precentral vein (pair)
vena precentralis (par)
8990 tax
central vein (pair)
vena centralis (par)
51238 4598 tax
superior anastomotic vein (pair)
vena anastomotica superior (par)
8991 tax
postcentral vein (pair)
vena postcentralis (par)
51103 4593 tax
parietal veins (pair)
venae parietales (par)
50802 4595 tax
occipital veins (pair)
venae occipitales (par)
10 lines
50.0 %
50.0 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Although the Venae cerebri superiores (Superficial cerebral veins) are rather variable, here the subdivision suggested by Rhoton (2002 Neurosurgery 51, Suppl1:S159-204) is followed. The Superior cerebral veins drain to the Superior sagittal sinus, whereas the Venae cerebri inferiores drain into the Sinuses along the Cranial base. For the Venae trunci encephali and Venae cerebelli, Duvernoy HM (1995 The Human Brain Stem and Cerebellum. Springer, Vienna) is followed.
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 4590
Number of children 29 (validated)
Number of units 10 (validated)
Signature 18321 (validated since 12.4.2018)
Date: 24.01.2025